We often hear the reply “No Problem” to a “Thank You” ~meaning that the good deed was no big deal, something perhaps done just in the line of duty, not requiring much from the giver.

Can we imagine this response from God? Whatever He does is as He has planned and for which He has prepared to give, and for us to receive.

Let’s take this thought a little further and apply it to all things, not just the good that He gives but also to all of life.

The word problem is not in the Bible ~ not in the original KJV. This gives us a clue as to who gave us this word and why it has become a major word in the English language. God’s and our adversary would have us go from day to day as if all of life is a problem.

This is life focused on men and self ~ striving through and barely surviving because our view of God seems to be what we would naturally say is problematic.

I want to suggest that we change our vocabulary to one that is compatible with God’s. Let us consider the Psalmist view ~ 103:190001OU

In our heavenly Father’s view there is no problem. Let us think with the mind of Christ who came to reveal the Father to us. Instead of problems what can we know and see in this physical world of God’s creation?

We are faced with :

Abnormalities and uncertainties

Absurdities and obscurities

Adversities and necessities

Atrocities and monstrosities

We encounter:

Authorities and majorities

Calamities and subtleties

Complexities and perplexities

Difficulties and anxieties

We are confronted with:

Iniquities and inequities

Insincerities and insecurities

Sensitivities and inabilities

But none of these are a problem to God. More so, they are all part of His overall plan. These are all the underside of God’s tapestry, as He is weaving all things together with His presence and power in us.  These are all His means of bringing His will to be made known; and to work His own life and joy in us.  All things are for our good, so as to conform us to the image of His dear Son, our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. (Romans 8:28-29) He endured all these that we too might endure to the end and enjoy His victory and glory.

It is not meant that we are to understand His plan ~ it is too much for us to comprehend; but in faith to believe what He says and reveals to us as He works in us, in others, and all circumstances. When we, as His children, know Him and see His great and mighty power in His creation and redemption we will no longer view things as problems, but accept all things as opportunities and possibilities in how we are to live and fulfill our purpose to glorify our heavenly Father. Read the whole Psalm with this mind-set and you will begin to think differently so as to glorify Him and enjoy Him forever.

It matters not whether I sleep or wake ~ God is God.

All that matters is for His sake ~ God is God.

Glorious Father, you planned according to your sovereign will all that you wanted to do in your creation and redemption.  And now in this generation, as always, you are working through your providence for all that you planned.  THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!.  In Jesus’ name.  Amen.  And I hear Him answer, “No Problem; it is all my pleasure to give you the kingdom.

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