We Shall Behold Him!

For this, our daughter, Lee’s, 50th birthday, we created this video with the song she recorded as a teen-ager.  Until today, no one but Jerry and I, and one of her daughters, has heard her sing this.

We share it here as part of our family legacy, and with the hope that any who hear and see this video, will be blessed and encouraged in their faith and the promises that we have in Jesus Christ, our Savior and Lord, now and for eternity.

Dear Father in heaven, we thank you for your sovereign will and grace to plan, provide, and prepare us for that time when we shall see Christ as He is in all His glory, and seeing Him as He is, be made into His likeness for eternity.  Thank you for Garageband, ITunes, IMovie, YouTube and WordPress, all of which you made possible for us as means to share your grace and your glory.  In Jesus’ name I pray.  Amen.

Lyrics and music by Dottie Rambo
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