
320px-Turnstile.alewife.agrWhat good are Birthdays now and then,
Except to think what might have been;
Unless we know of Whom we’re born;
Who brings New Life, each day, each morn.

Whose Eyes, to See; Whose Ears, to Hear;
Whose Mind, to Understand
How we, so small, so lost in time
Are part of His great Plan;

Whose Hand directs and Opens doors;
Whose feet have walked the earthly moors,
To lead us where we could not go;
To unveil Truth we did not know;

To bring us through each day, each year
Until we’re brought so very near
To face the last Turnstile ~ The Cross;
To Enter, leaving all the dross;

To Turn and See how self lived life
With those from whom we sought advice ~
And Standing behind, One who’d wait and stay
Very Close every step of the Way.

Running beside us in The Race
Toward The Father’s Resting Place
Where now we’ve Come, and with a New Start
Each day, all of Life ~ in the Center of God’s Heart.

(For son, Andy’s 34th birthday ~ April 25, 1996)
Image Source: Turnstile

Three Views of Me

Jerry drove 30 minutes to our daughter’s house after sitting in church two hours. When we got there he took off his prosthesis and sat in his wheelchair for two more hours. As is the routine, he suggested (letting me know that our time together was coming to an end) that we needed to think about leaving for home. Enjoying the time (and honestly not wanting to go) my response was, “I’m thinking about it.”

At first, I didn’t understand why our family laughed. Our responses to each other at home are sometimes humorous , making our circumstances a little easier. We are used to our manner of communication, and laugh with each other.

After Lee said that I was being “sassy” I realized that others have a different view of us than we do. They see and hear differently than we do.

This incident was an example and an illustration for this article that I had wanted to write.

There are three views of me:
1.  how I see myself
2.  how others see me
3.  how God sees me.

I can only see myself if I go to a mirror; 2011-05-15_1645and then I have only one dimension. Either I look at my frontal view; or with another mirror see a back view. There is a strict limitation. When I leave the mirror I cannot see me at all.

Others have a continual and more rounded view when we are with them. They have other angles that we never see. Yet, they are limited to what they see or hear at any one time.

God has the perfect view, from His own creation and power of dimension; not only from the outside, but inside, seeing the heart, and knowing our thoughts, always.

 “For the Lord seeth not as man seeth;
for man looketh on the outward appearance,
but the Lord looketh on the heart.
1 Samuel 16:7


Seeing What I Need to See

I don’t need to spend more time in front of the mirror. It is not the outside that I need to see.  I see enough of me.

I would do well to ask and to know what others see and hear; and in humility desire
to change what needs to be changed.

The only means of knowing the truth about myself, with the knowledge and power to be what I should be, is to seek the Lord’s view; to pray for and live in humility. This is His working when I daily seek His kingdom and His righteousness through His word and prayer.

Though there is never any intention of being disrespectful to Jerry I realize that how others perceive our relationship may be different than what we want to portray.
The Lord has made it a joy for me to serve Jerry as his wife and caregiver.
Jerry is always gracious to allow me time with the family whenever we can be together. I need to remember that this is a sacrifice for him as he continues to deal with his discomfort and the soreness in his leg.

Dear Father, forgive me for what seems disrespectful to others, although Jerry does not take it that way. Help me to be more aware of how long Jerry has been sitting, and the rest that he needs; to be immediately responsive, instead of just “thinking about it.”   Work in me the humility of Christ that I may be the caregiver that you want me to be; that others may see your working in me ~ for your glory and our joy.
In Jesus’ name I pray.   Amen.

Image Sources:  Baby,  X-ray 

The Pink Kwansan Cherry

This month the Kwansan Cherry tree is taking the spotlight from the prickly Bradford Pear.  Like the Bradford Pear the Kwansan Cherry is an ornamental (no fruit), a hybrid planted only for its showy pink blooms. It grows 30-40 feet high and wide . Growers say that it is worth the display if only for its 15-20 year life span.

Pink is the color for April and one of my favorites, not just for landscaping, but overall.


Blue is my other favorite because of the blue sky. It is a canopy over all the earth reminding me of God’s grace. The dogwoods are also blooming this month in Georgia.


Pink has been a mystery, though. I do not know why it became my favorite color; except that it is derived from a combination of white and red. I have decided that God spotlights the pink trees in the landscape at this time of year that we might think of His purity and the blood of His dear Son given for us for our redemption.

 “ Now the God of peace, that brought again from the dead our Lord Jesus, that great shepherd of the sheep, through the blood of the everlasting covenant, Make you perfect in every good work to do his will, working in you that which is wellpleasing in his sight, through Jesus Christ; to whom be glory for ever and ever. Amen.”     Hebrews 13:21-21

Related Article:  Grace ~The Sky’s the Limit

People and Possibilities

Behind every person is a possibility. As I thought of writing this article three people came to mind; all are young men, each in his twenties.

Jerad is dying of brain cancer. Don will soon graduate from college with a degree in History. Darren is married, and needs a full-time job. images Neither of these seems to have a lot going for them at the moment; but let’s look past them to think of the possibilities.

Jerad has been given two weeks at the most. What can he do? With his own will and working he can do nothing. He has had to relinquish everything to others for his care. His only hope and possibility is for a miracle healing; or, at his death to “forever be with the Lord.”  The apostle Paul spoke of his possibilities; “to live is Christ; but to die is gain.” He had learned to be content in whatever his condition. Jerad is fighting to live.  This is natural. He sees no other possibilities. He cannot pray for anything beyond what he can understand. Others are praying, but only for what they can wish for this young man.  The possibilities for Jerad are in God’s hands.

Don loves the Lord and history and can speak of what he knows, but it is difficult to understand him. He thinks faster that his tongue can articulate. If you listen carefully you can catch the gist of what he is saying, but we must take the time to hear him. He has never been able to get a job; and when he graduates this year with a major in History he does not yet know the possibilities for sharing all that he has with those who need it. He writes well; so that might be a possibility.  Another possibility is speech therapy.  But, we  pray and wait for the Lord to show us His plans for this gifted young man.

Darren is a strong, industrious young man, knowledgeable and confident in his own abilities, which he diligently puts to work at every opportunity. His last employer said that he needed people skills.  Like most of us he shares what he knows,  and believes, sometimes when they are not asked for.  This not being part of the job description as an employee, volunteering our expertise can sometimes get us into trouble. I can relate and so, pray and look with great expectation for the Lord’s working in this young man’s life.

God’s Sovereignty
I believe God stands behind all his creation, especially those He has created in His image.  I don’t mean that everybody will turn out well and accomplish great things, but that God has His purpose.  Some will barely make it in this life; some not at all.  But believing in God’s sovereignty we need to see each person with eyes of faith; not in the person, but in God who created them, and sustains them.  We may only see the person, his condition, mistakes and failures. We cannot see what God is doing in the heart, or His future plans for others. We misjudge when we form our opinions before He is through with us all. We misjudge ourselves as God’s children when we use our tongues against others; even though what we see and say may, at the present, be true.

The Love of Christ
Christ has so loved us that He suffered and sacrificed His life for our sins and shortcomings.  
Our work and life in Christ is to love others, pray for them and encourage them in spite of their idiosyncrasies, their faults and weaknesses.  It would be good to take some of these under our wings and help them, but not all are willing to accept our help.    It is easier to love and minster to one who is dying, such as Jerad. It may take a whole lifetime to accept and relate to others; but we must continue to look beyond them to Christ, believing that He will show us great and mighty things we have not known.  Jeremiah 33:3

Beyond Every Problem ~ the God of Possibilities
Each of the young men I have mentioned is humbled by his own problem ~ one more than the other two ~ according the severity of his problem.  If either of these three knew each other, I dare say that only one would want to trade places. Each is experiencing his own problem; but they have yet to realize the possibilities beyond themselves. They have yet to know the God who is beyond every problem ~ the God of possibilities.

I have spoken in this article of the impressions that we have of God and others; and how we think about them and respond to them. This applies also, to the impressions that others have of us; and that we have of ourselves. If I had listened to what others thought of me at the age of twenty my possibilities would have been nil.

Someone that I loved said, “She is not worth killing.” What a statement for a young woman to start life with. They were right. I was rotten, “dead in trespasses and sin;” but the possibilities for life and goodness were in God’s plans. This person didn’t know what my heavenly Father had in store for my future. I am still not perfect, but forgiven, and being changed by His grace; and for His glory I pray and look for what He is doing in others and me. The fruit of love, joy and peace are produced in us by His Spirit.

 “The things which are impossible with men are possible with God.”
Mark 18:27

Dear Father, into your hands we commit those who need special care.  Please take them under your wings; and as you continue to bless us, bless them with your Holy Spirit to work in their hearts and lives to know you and love you, too.  Enable them to see Christ; and in Him all that you have planned for them. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.

 Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly
above all that we ask or think,
according to the power that worketh in us,”

Ephesians 3:20