Where Do We Go From Here?


(This is part of a post from 2016)

Growing up I was often reminded that when we see the devil’s work, we can be assured that God is doing something greater. We are distracted by the physical elements of the world and how Satan works in and through men. God, our heavenly Father teaches us to look beyond what we can see with the physical eye, to catch a glimpse of His greatness and glory. In this we can see the working of His grace and goodness. The Renaissance and the Protestant Reformation happened at the same time. There were two kingdoms operating from two perspectives, which is the history of this world, since the antithesis began in the Garden with our first parents.

Let us, as God’s children, be about the Father’s business in the only kingdom that will survive all generations, until in the fullness of time, all things are united in Christ, “things in heaven and things on earth.” Ephesians 1:10

Dear Father in heaven, we need you, by the power of your Holy Spirit, to reveal your presence and power to us as your children, as we live in the midst of a crooked and perverse generation.  Give us your love, joy, and peace; shine your light through us to draw others to Christ.  Make us an open door to your kingdom.  In Jesus’ name we pray.  Amen.



We often hear the reply “No Problem” to a “Thank You” ~meaning that the good deed was no big deal, something perhaps done just in the line of duty, not requiring much from the giver.

Can we imagine this response from God? Whatever He does is as He has planned and for which He has prepared to give, and for us to receive.

Let’s take this thought a little further and apply it to all things, not just the good that He gives but also to all of life.

The word problem is not in the Bible ~ not in the original KJV. This gives us a clue as to who gave us this word and why it has become a major word in the English language. God’s and our adversary would have us go from day to day as if all of life is a problem.

This is life focused on men and self ~ striving through and barely surviving because our view of God seems to be what we would naturally say is problematic.

I want to suggest that we change our vocabulary to one that is compatible with God’s. Let us consider the Psalmist view ~ 103:190001OU

In our heavenly Father’s view there is no problem. Let us think with the mind of Christ who came to reveal the Father to us. Instead of problems what can we know and see in this physical world of God’s creation?

We are faced with :

Abnormalities and uncertainties

Absurdities and obscurities

Adversities and necessities

Atrocities and monstrosities

We encounter:

Authorities and majorities

Calamities and subtleties

Complexities and perplexities

Difficulties and anxieties

We are confronted with:

Iniquities and inequities

Insincerities and insecurities

Sensitivities and inabilities

But none of these are a problem to God. More so, they are all part of His overall plan. These are all the underside of God’s tapestry, as He is weaving all things together with His presence and power in us.  These are all His means of bringing His will to be made known; and to work His own life and joy in us.  All things are for our good, so as to conform us to the image of His dear Son, our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. (Romans 8:28-29) He endured all these that we too might endure to the end and enjoy His victory and glory.

It is not meant that we are to understand His plan ~ it is too much for us to comprehend; but in faith to believe what He says and reveals to us as He works in us, in others, and all circumstances. When we, as His children, know Him and see His great and mighty power in His creation and redemption we will no longer view things as problems, but accept all things as opportunities and possibilities in how we are to live and fulfill our purpose to glorify our heavenly Father. Read the whole Psalm with this mind-set and you will begin to think differently so as to glorify Him and enjoy Him forever.

It matters not whether I sleep or wake ~ God is God.

All that matters is for His sake ~ God is God.

Glorious Father, you planned according to your sovereign will all that you wanted to do in your creation and redemption.  And now in this generation, as always, you are working through your providence for all that you planned.  THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!.  In Jesus’ name.  Amen.  And I hear Him answer, “No Problem; it is all my pleasure to give you the kingdom.

Image: Google

“Absorbed in Prayer and Praise”

Everyone is absorbed in something. It may only be “self.”

It is no secret that our minds and hearts soak in what we see, read, hear, and think. Without a desire for what is good and the means to attain it, we are continually saturated with the things of the world. These are our gods ~ second to self ~ and rule our lives. This lifestyle is one of oppression that suppresses all that is good and true and leads to depression and destruction.

But, life does not have to be this way.

God, our Creator, planned a beautiful life for fellowship with Him. Though our first parents rejected Him choosing a life of sin and rebellion, we have a new life provided for us in His Son, Jesus Christ.

He gives us His Spirit and His Word whereby we can know Him and receive all He planned for us. He promises to share his bountiful kingdom with us (Luke 12:32).

Through our study of His Word, we are led by His Holy Spirit to communicate with him in prayer and supplication. He continues to pour out His blessings upon us as we acknowledge Him as our Father and Redeemer.

We Do Not Know How to Pray
Romans 8:26-27  teaches us that though we do not know how to pray, His Holy Spirit intercedes through us. Prayer is a matter of commitment and discipline of time with our heavenly Father, seeking His Spirit, His presence, and His will. He calls us to fellowship with Him in His Word so as to know what we should ask.

We ask, believing what He has promised, thanking Him as we wait for Him to fulfill His promise. When we come to Him, in humility and gratitude for who He is, speaking His Word, and interceding for others, we know He hears us. In the process, our faithful and fervent prayers turn to praise.

“But you are holy,
Enthroned in the praises of Israel.”

Psalm 22:3

 We cannot but praise Him when we live in fellowship with Him. The more we pray in the Spirit and with understanding of His Word, the more we will praise Him.

Our praise is a witness of Him to others. We can share the joy we have in Him even and especially, through adversity.

The phrase, “absorbed in prayer and praise” is found within the lyrics of the hymn Crown Him with Many Crowns by Matthew Bridges 1851.

Crown him the Lord of peace!
Whose power a scepter sways,
From pole to pole,–that wars may cease,
Absorbed in prayer and praise:
His reign shall know no end,
And round his pierced feet
Fair flowers of paradise extend
Their fragrance ever sweet.

At times, His presence may be overwhelming ~ it may seem as if heaven is opened to reveal a glimpse of His glory. This is a taste of heaven ~ a precious and joyful communion with Him.

More time in prayer and praise leads to a habitual lifestyle of obedience, continual trust, and dependence on Him. It may take years before we experience the depth and height of this life in Christ, but it is worth the practice and the wait.

Gracious Father in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Make us know your presence and power as we daily seek your kingdom and your righteousness. Let us not miss anything you have prepared for us. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.

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2. The Essentiality of God as Creator

In the beginning

I have never before been aware of my need to return to my roots.  I was almost twenty-two years in my father’s house. Now, there is a void after fifty-nine years with my husband, Jerry. But my heart is still full of the life my Heavenly Father gave me twenty-eight years ago. This is my reason for living and reaffirming “the rock from which I have been hewn” (Isaiah 51:1).

There are few who can discern the times and live in accordance with the foundation that was set in the beginning. As I continue to consult the one true source of life, I am being brought back to the basics.

As I contemplate going back, I am overwhelmed even with the words themselves. And as with other projects that concern my relationship with God, this one seems more than I can handle. But I will begin and see where He takes me.

In the beginning GOD

My dad taught me much about foundations. He had no more than an eighth-grade education, yet he was a faithful son, husband, father, brother, employee, manager of a retail store, and owner of an auto-parts store. During those times, he was also building single-family houses and built a small church. He retired in his seventies as a swimming pool contractor.

He had no formal training for construction, but following a blueprint, he physically dug the ground, poured a concrete foundation, laid concrete blocks, sawed (he did not have an electric skill saw) and nailed wood plates, joists, flooring, walls, rafters, roofing, etc.to provide a secure habitation for a family.

God, Himself, is our blueprint, revealed through His written Word. Without Him, we have no blueprint ~ no foundation ~ no concrete plans. All is left to chance and circumstances which only lead to chaos.

Those who have no blueprint for their lives only destroy what others have built and, in the end, destroy themselves and each other.

At this point, I want to share an acrostic that has helped me keep GOD in His highest habitation.

Glory ~ Himself all glorious in His person and place.

 Order ~ His constant attendance within His kingdom.

Dominion ~ His authority over all things.

In the beginning God created

I will never fully understand God. I can only read, listen to others who know Him, and pray for Him to continue to reveal Himself to me through His Word, through others, and my circumstances. I cannot comprehend His ability to create. I simply accept the words, ask Him to write them on my heart and in my mind to believe He is the Creator, “who rewards those who diligently seek Him” (Heb. 11:6).

In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.

The first ten words of the Holy Bible are the most basic words in a human vocabulary. We can talk about everything in the world. We can talk about God and all we know about Him. We can say we believe in God, but what will that mean if we do not start with the first statement of God’s Word?

These ten words are the first words and the foundation of our knowledge of Him. These words form the basis of truth for the Christian. We cannot skip to the middle or to the end for a foundation of our faith and our hope.

God, as Creator, sets Himself first and above all else. Before anything was, He was. Reading and listening to other opinions only serve to confuse and unsettle us.

There are many references added at the end of this chapter that speak and verify the truth of these ten words. But here we want to direct our attention to the importance, the necessity, the essentiality of writing these ten words on our hearts and minds, and the minds of our children.

Without this basis ~ this foundation ~ any structure we try to build will fall or be destroyed by others. This basis will eventually lead us to the spiritual foundation ~ the Spiritual rock of our salvation and eternal life, Jesus Christ (Luke 6:46-49; 1 Corinthians 3:11).

Mentally ~ if not literally ~ print these words on each of your fingers and the fingers of your children. Print them on heavy paper and set them on your table. And if ever we needed this tattoo on our hearts, it is now (Heb. 10:16).

A few days ago, from our backyard neighbors, I heard their young son chanting the words, “I will….” over and over. I could not understand the words after the word “will” but it reminded me of the world’s chanting for what it wants. There is no mutual chant. Each person or group has its own desires which change even as the wind. While others are shaking their fists, we can show a difference with outstretched hands with the truth of God’s Word.

Now is a good time to begin to catechize your children. From the Shorter Catechism, the first question is, “Who made you?” The answer, “GOD.”

The second question is, “What else did God make?” The answer, “God made all things.”
The third question is, “Why did God make you and all things?” The answer, “For His own glory.”

“Everyone who is called by My name, Whom I have created for My glory;
I have formed him, yes, I have made him.”
Isaiah 43:7

From this foundation, we go on to build our houses in His kingdom, to live according to His blueprint, and to show others the difference in His kingdom and the world, in life and death, truth and deception, light and darkness, construction and destruction.

“He created them male and female, and blessed them
and called them Mankind in the day they were created.”
Genesis 5:2

“Thus says God the Lord, Who created the heavens and stretched them out,
Who spread forth the earth and that which comes from it,
Who gives breath to the people on it, And spirit to those who walk on it:”
Isaiah 42:5

“For behold, I create new heavens and a new earth;
And the former shall not be remembered or come to mind.”
Isaiah 65:17

Genesis 1:27; Genesis 2:3; Genesis 2:4; Genesis 5:1; Genesis 5:2;  Psalm 148:5: Isaiah 40:26; Isaiah 45:7;Isaiah 45:8; Isaiah 45:12; Isaiah 45:18; Ephesians 3:9; Colossians 1:16; Revelation 4:11

References to what God MADE

 “So the Lord said to him, “Who has made man’s mouth?
Or who makes the mute, the deaf, the seeing, or the blind?
Have not I, the Lord?”
Exodus 4:11

Genesis 1:7; Genesis 1:16; Genesis 1:25; Genesis 1:31; Genesis 2:3; Genesis 2:4; Genesis 2:9  Genesis 2:22

Gracious Father, our Creator and Sustainer, providing all things you have prepared for us before the foundation of the world, I thank you and praise you for your order and dominion which redounds to your glory and our joy. Thank you for creating all man would need before you created him. Grant us your Spirit to know you, keep us in your Word, and through us, speak your Word to others. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.
© 2020 Fran Rogers

Images: Google


Reclaiming Sunday as the Lord’s Day

How often does history repeat itself? It sometimes takes centuries and new generations to forget the past. We observe the world and the culture and think that we are experiencing something new, when actually we are only replaying the scenarios our forefathers knew.

The Christian community is looking at the world through the same lens and blaming our culture for the current ills. We want to point a finger at everyone outside our personal environment.

If we look to the Word of God, we find much to explain why we are in such straits as we are.

In a country that began as “a nation under God,” at first living as those who belonged to God, we wonder how things took a different turn.  As His people, we find that we are not much different from our ancestors that liked what other nations had. In their covetousness, they wanted a king to rule over them.

He gave them what they wanted and so they served and yielded the fruit of their own doing. Without Him, they became like other nations and suffered the consequences of living without His direction, presence, and power.

Even when they worshipped Him, they made their own laws, going their own way in idolatry.

Years after Israel’s exile and deliverance from Egypt, they rebelled against His precepts. We see in Daniel 9:1-19 the ramifications of their disobedience.

In the first year of his reign, I Daniel understood by books the number of the years, whereof the word of the Lord came to Jeremiah the prophet, that he would accomplish seventy years in the desolations of Jerusalem.

And I set my face unto the Lord God, to seek by prayer and supplications, with fasting, and sackcloth, and ashes:

And I prayed unto the Lord my God, and made my confession, and said, O Lord, the great and dreadful God, keeping the covenant and mercy to them that love him, and to them that keep his commandments;

 We have sinned, and have committed iniquity, and have done wickedly, and have rebelled, even by departing from thy precepts and from thy judgments:” Daniel 9:2-5

Prophecy of Jeremiah

“Between the second and the third wave (of their captivity), Jeremiah prophesied that the total time would be 70 years (Jeremiah 29:10). On the one hand this emphasized how serious the sin of Israel was. They would not be saved after a few years, as they expected. On the other hand, it showed God’s grace. For He promised to not forget them, but to save them in the end. And He did. The Persians took over the Babylonian Empire, and released the Jews. As Jeremiah had prophesied, 70 years after the first captivity, the first returnees arrived in Israel. The hard punishment that the Lord gave them for forsaking him, resulted in their repentance.” Biblword

Scripture demonstrates that the Babylonian exile lasted for 70 years and that exile allowed the land to rest for the 70 Sabbath years that the Israelites had failed to observe. (See this link.)

God’s Word for His People

God did not expect the whole world to live by the commandments of His kingdom. He issued His Word to a chosen people for their obedience and dependence upon Him to lead and care for them.

We cannot expect the world to abide by God’s Word but we, as His people, are called to a life separate from the world. When we continue to live as if we are not His people observing the same lifestyle as the world, we are the ones who are in jeopardy. We are the people under His judgment.

“For the time is come that judgment must begin at the house of God: and if it first begin at us, what shall the end be of them that obey not the gospel of God?” 1 Peter 4:17

What can we do to change the climate of our nation and the world? We cannot change the world. It will continue in rejection of the Lord Jesus Christ until He comes again in victory over all nations.

As His people, we must pray for ourselves to know His rule in our own hearts and lives.

We must fast and pray for His Church in the world; for knowledge of Him, repentance and faith among His people. We must rise up in obedience to Him and His Word ~ to reclaim His kingdom on earth in us.

We can by His power, start by reclaiming and observing the day He gave us for separation from the world, as a prelude and practice for the eternal rest, honoring Him above all else.

We must begin somewhere to make the presence of His kingdom known.

Pray and Prove

We are already in captivity to our own thoughts and desires ~ in exile to the world’s depravity and culture. We must pray and prove that we belong to Him. We must witness of a different state and a different lifestyle as we continue through this wilderness. We must seek His kingdom and His righteousness through the knowledge of His Word and His commandments. We must live by the filling and leading of His Holy Spirit.

Sunday as we know it, is the Lord’s Day, given by the Father to His Son upon completion of His mission to save His people from this world of sin. The Lord’s Day is His Day to gather His people to Himself, to celebrate His victory over sin for us.

For all that He sacrificed for us ~ for His propitiation for our sins ~ we need to show our love and sacrifice for Him. Even if you are the only one who sees the need, be a witness to others of His will for the Lord’s Day. Plan during the week to make the Lord’s Day His day that He shares with you.

How do you spend Sundays?

How would you change how you spend the Lord’s Day so as to honor and glorify Him?

It will change your whole life and make you a testimony of His grace.

Dear Father in heaven, my heart is heavy, burdened for your name’s sake, when I see your people use the Day you planned for your Son’s honor for themselves. Send your Holy Spirit for conviction; by your goodness, bring us to repentance, renewed faith,  devotion, and commitment to our Lord who gave Himself to save us from this present evil age. In His precious name, I pray. Amen.

What was the Babylonian captivity/exile?

What Do We Make of the Lord’s Day?

God made the heavens and the earth. In six days God had made all that man needed, including the man; and pronounced that it was “very good.” He needed to do nothing more — only to stand back and glory in what He had made. He blessed it, and sanctified it, setting the pattern for a six-day workweek, and a day of rest. God planned it all, made it all, and then left the man to have dominion over it—to make of it what he would. The man failed to make it good by his disobedience to God’s instructions and so, needing something more, God gave His commands in print, for all generations to read.

Now, what do we make of His Law—not the ceremonial law?  That was abolished when Christ said, “It is finished.” It was all nailed to the cross.

We still have the Ten Commandments, all the law that pertains to His kingdom; the way of life that He ordained for His people. We could just as well put aside the sixth commandment, (“Thou shalt not kill”) as to leave off the fourth, for all ten came in the same package. Written together they are each one part of the same covenant, a covenant describing the intents of God’s heart and mind for His own children in His kingdom. Who would disagree that there can be a detriment to the honor of human life when we fail to honor God in the other commandments. Study the history of the Israelites. (They spent seventy years in exile; seventy years corresponding with how long they had profaned the Sabbath.) One thing led to another, even to murder when what seemed to be the lesser of the commandments were disobeyed.

There is more instruction in the Old Testament concerning the fourth commandment than the other ten.

We might say, Father, I understand that you don’t want me to kill anybody; that’s a basic understanding for most of humanity. But, things have changed, and we don’t really see the need for some of the other commandments. It’s hard, these days, to keep a whole day separate and holy. There are so many other things I need to do on the day that I am free from work and other responsibilities.

What we do with the Lord’s Day is a matter of the heart. How do we perceive the finished work of Christ and his new creation for His glory? Where is your heart on the Lord’s Day? I welcome your comments on what the Lord’s Day means to you, and how you and your family prepare for, and observe it.

 “Remember the Sabbath-day, to keep it holy.”
Exodus 20:8

What do you make of this day?  Is it holy unto the Lord—for His glory? Therein is our joy!

Dear Father, We do not deserve anything but you have revealed such grace through the finished work of Christ for us that we desire to be with you on this day. Bring your people to know and observe this day you created for us — for your glory and our joy. In Jesus name. Amen.
(If you do not agree on a Lord’s Day Christian Sabbath, this post is not written for you — only for those who share the work of Christ on our behalf for our new creation. I say this because we have had comments attacking our faith in the finished work of Christ and the new Sabbath.)
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Bound by Grace

(The Danger of Freedom posted yesterday was an introduction to this article.)

His grace is sufficient in all of life for all He wills us to do and for all our physical needs. It is this sufficiency of the Lord, our God, that the title Bound by Grace was written and shared with other believers thirty years ago. He is the Everlasting One, the Creator of the ends of the earth – who neither faints nor is weary…. But giveth power to the faint; and to them that have no might He increases strength.

It was His marvelous grace given one morning as I was in physical pain that prompted my heart to dwell on God’s will and His grace. The limitation of physical movement was sometimes the only time God could reach me – the position in which I was prone to really listen to Him and see beyond my point of view. But, oh, how wonderful were His revelations during those times and also, today.

In searching the meanings for the word bound in the dictionary, I thought I would find at least two. Many of you may have discovered that when we are on a treasure hunt, we usually find more than we expected – such is the Kingdom of our Lord.

We found four definitions with other words relative to the word bound. We will touch on each one as the definition relates to God’s grace – remembering that GRACE originated with God as unmerited and undeserved mercy and favor.

A. BOUND n. 1. a limit. 2. The territory on or limiting lines
1. To limit. 2. To border on another area; adjoin. 3. To demarcate.
The word BOUNDARY is a noun defined as something that marks a limit or border.

The picture came to mind of the lines drawn by a surveyor – lines that define our property. They enable us to know the limit and the borders of where we live.

We and our neighbors know our boundaries. Within these boundaries, there is a sense of freedom, security, and peace. We live, work, play, and invite others to enjoy the place set for us within these boundaries. We, in God’s kingdom, are given a place much like our physical home. We, in agreement with the surveyor, allow God to define His spiritual bounds (boundaries) within our physical boundaries – the unseen operating in that which is seen. He sets the limits and lines border between His kingdom and the kingdom of the world.

Defining the Boundaries
It is in the grace of our heavenly Father that He defines the boundaries between His kingdom and the world and sets the standards for enjoying these bounds. Those who have submitted to these limits and borders know the freedom, security, and peace set for them in and by God’s grace.

The thought came too, of keeping children within the properties where they live. Small children without knowing the dangers, sometimes venture beyond those limits if their caretaker is not there to restrict them. It is the grace of a loving Father that is able to keep His eye on us at all times. Under His care, we are assured we will not go beyond our boundaries. He keeps us and limits us for our sanctification and purification, to know His holiness and His deliverance in times of temptation. In the arms of grace, He sweeps us up and holds us when we venture too close to the boundary line (1Cor. 10:13; 1 Thess. 5:23-24; Heb. 13:20-21).

When someone or something gets too close, He shields by His grace from the predators of the world. To allow us beyond the BOUNDS OF GRACE would mean that He does not care for His own children. These boundary lines prove His love and His keeping for us. To think that death or injury to one of His children is to be beyond the BOUNDS OF GRACE is to call the grace of God unjust. Like the sky, His grace is always there, working even in death, injury and difficult situations. In any circumstance, His arms of grace are able to enfold and bind us even more closely to Him.

Imagine a child who falls (even within the spiritual boundaries, physical mishaps occur) and always seeks the tender — the caretaker – for comfort and for instructions against falling again. God’s grace draws us to Him, as He comforts and heals.

Knowing our Limitations
As we get older, we learn our limitations and accept with respect and adoration what the experience of His grace teaches us – not to fear the things of this world, but to fear Him.

The fear of God is meant to alert us to what happens when we are not submissive and obedient to the limit and border of His grace.

It is His grace to which we are bound and that of His own doing, not ours. By His grace, we are saved – by knowing Him to whom we are bound — through faith in Him who has bound us to Him through His Son, Jesus.

Without a knowledge of the truth about our heavenly Father, it is possible to take His grace in vain (2 Cor. 6:1) – even testing our limits. (This is testing God — Mt. 4:7) We may be deceived as we stand on the property line and listen to someone outside our limits, but He knows the deceivers and He knows His own children.

Lines of Demarcation
The word demarcate means a line of solid definition with no questions. Just as a surveyor gives a paper with the lines clearly drawn for our property, God’s grace is clearly defined by His Word, revealed by His Holy Spirit for guidance in seeing and understanding the lines set. We do not have to argue with our neighbor – within God’s kingdom or in the world.

Each child within God’s kingdom knows the line of demarcation. This line was clearly drawn for us in Christ at the cross. We are free in the spiritual boundaries of grace to move about in the physical world knowing what is off-limits, living daily according to the grace extended by the power of His will, wherever we are. In Christ, we are given God’s power to resist the temptations that surround us.

B. BOUND adj. 1. Confined by bonds. 2. Under obligation. 3. Enclosed in a cover or binding. 4. Certain.

There is a house on our property and within these walls, we have shelter, heat, clothing, food, and all our physical needs – according to God’s grace.
Without these walls, these things would deteriorate, blow away, melt, freeze or be stolen. We require the confinement coupled with the freedom to walk in and out of the structure according to His will. The confinement is good and works for our good.

Our Obligation
This work of grace is on our behalf but there is an obligation. It must be maintained; with regular cleaning and repair. A house is enclosed to protect us from inclement weather and those who are not BOUND BY GRACE. Our faith is not in the houses that our heavenly Father provides but in Him the giver of all that we need.

God’s grace is revealed to us in Jesus Christ. He (God) was in Christ, reconciling the world to Himself (2 Cor. 5:19) so that we might be brought by His grace – not that we might just come back anytime we wanted to on our own but by God’s grace, to  be drawn to Jesus and therefore bind us to Him. He finds us and brings us to the Shepherd (Jn. 6:44-45, 63-65). The bonds are seen in the arms of the cross and in the blood of Jesus and His love that bought us.   And because He has twice owned us – by creation and by redemptive grace—we are not our own. We owe all to Him. We are under obligation to Him for our physical and eternal life.

But He does not call in the debt which we could never pay. We are not billed but we have received a statement, sealed with His own blood – PAID. The covering and the binding are the bountiful mercies of God with the blood that washes whiter than snow, and makes us His own, sanctified and purified, holy and blameless, keeping our soul, mind, and spirit until Christ comes again (1 Thess. 5:23-24).

BOUND BY GRACE, our sins are covered and we are given power beyond our own nature over sin, never desiring to be loosed from our Creator and Redeemer.
We wear the mantle of praise and are anointed with the oil of gladness. The binding of God’s grace is woven through our whole being. We are certain that what He promises in the salvation of Jesus Christ is true—that the power of redemption works for our binding every moment of every day. He does not loose what He Himself binds to Himself. No one can snatch us out of His hand (Jn. 10:28-29).

C. BOUND v. 1. To leap forward; a spring. 2. To advance by leaping. 3. To bounce.

As we are BOUND BY GRACE, the Spirit of God creates His own energy. Within that which is willingly bound to Him, He is free to exercise the maximum of His grace. We are limited, but He is not. When our spirit is bound to His, something happens that we cannot explain. He creates a new heart and a new spirit (Ezekiel 36:26). He puts a new song in the heart that is bound to Him.

Eternal life from the Father to the child who lives continually in His presence – BOUND BY GRACE – knows no limits of His power, which we will discover in the last part — Free to Love.

Gracious Father, the God of all grace, who has called us to your eternal glory through Jesus Christ our Lord, we thank you and praise you for such a precious grace that does a powerful work in our hearts and lives. Fill us with your Spirit; continue keeping us and growing us in grace and knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ, in whose name I pray. Amen.


A Panoramic View

How blessed we would be if we could see in God’s Word a panoramic view of Him working from beginning to end —the Alpha and Omega— through it all to bring the first and the last scene together.

How blessed we are to be in the middle as God’s people—the body of Christ—to take it all in; turning from page to page to behold His glory, His kingdom, at work in His people; His strong arm upholding His sovereign will and authority over life and death, His hand holding and molding each heart and life taken out of the degradation of sin.

How blessed we are to be turned by the power of His own Holy Spirit to see Him greater than all the circumstances of the human will and the power of the enemy combined; triumph shared with His people for eternity.

This is a view that comes through a lifetime here on this earth. The view is so breathtaking that we cannot bear it except slowly and as God, the Father, in the wisdom He gives through the righteousness and atoning work of Jesus, His Son, prepares our hearts by His Holy Spirit to conceive of Divine reality—“enlightening our eyes” to see what He allows our ears to hear.

But as it is written, Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him.” 1 Corinthians 2:9

The tour through His Word is conducted one-on-one so that we do not miss anything that He has for each of us. It is the preparation for that which will come in eternity ~ from glory to glory ~ so that we will share in His glory forever.

The glory of God is hidden in Christ and it will take an eternity for us to behold.

But we all, with open face beholding as in a glass the glory of the Lord, are changed into the same image from glory to glory, even as by the Spirit of the Lord.” 2 Corinthians 3:19

Dear Father in heaven, we praise you for all that you have prepared for us, what our physical eyes cannot now see; what our ears cannot yet hear; the glorious life for which we are being prepared. Continue to work by your Holy Spirit, in light of the truth of your Word, in our minds and hearts to look beyond this present world to the glory that awaits us. In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen.



Beyond a Mere Christianity

Mere Christianity was a compilation of C.S. Lewis’ beliefs, in which he stated, “at the centre of each (religion) there is something, or a Someone, who against all divergences of belief, all differences of temperament, all memories of mutual persecution, speaks the same voice.”

Many, by reading the book, have been encouraged to embrace Christianity even as he did. I believe God has used his work to bring many to a knowledge they never had and who may have become followers of Christ. My purpose in writing is not to criticize his writings but to look beyond what he believed, spoke, and wrote, to discover a greater depth, beyond a mere Christianity; for a mere Christianity will not suffice to proclaim and live the legacy God has bestowed on His children.

Lewis may have used the word “Mere” to express the idea of the Christian faith as pure and simple. It is pure. It is simple to those who embrace Christ and who live by the power of the Holy Spirit. But to those who do not know Him, Christianity is a complex, misunderstood faith. It is much, much more to those who are growing in the doctrines of the faith. It is a living faith ~ a powerful faith beyond any others that I have known. It is a way of life to those who have been transformed by the teachings of Jesus Christ and the Word of God known as the Holy Bible.

In a synonym study, Dictionary.com compares the words mere and bare, which imply a scant sufficiency. They are often interchangeable, but mere frequently means no more than (enough). Thus, a mere livelihood means enough to live on but no more; a bare livelihood means scarcely enough to live on

So, when I hear the title Mere Christianity, it seems to mean that Christianity is nothing more than any other religion. When we try to make Christianity a common faith, we are in danger of dumbing down the power that Christ died to give us. We lose the essence of the faith that is by grace alone, the working of the Holy Spirit for revelation of the truths of God’s Word.

When the gospel is watered down so that everybody can believe, we forfeit the wealth that comes only by a personal relationship with the Father and Jesus, His Son. Christianity comes at a high price, the blood of Jesus Christ, and requires more from us than we are able to give.

To receive the inheritance that is ours in Christ is a supernatural act of the Holy Spirit working through new hearts, drawn to and committed to Him. His grace does not relieve us of duty, but binds us to it and fulfills the requirement, whereby we experience this new life, a heavenly life above and beyond what most people know.

Others have written from Lewis’ theme, but from different perspectives. In the following articles  we will incorporate many facets of His kingdom that our heavenly Father reveals to us, through His Word and His Holy Spirit, in and through the life of His Son, Jesus Christ. Through as many of these as He will bestow His grace and blessings, we pray He will make clear His role as a loving heavenly Father, Creator, Redeemer, and Life; His presence, power, His name, His kingdom, and His will.

These are His truths, promises, and blessings for a people who know Him, fear Him, love Him, obey, worship, serve, praise, pray, and proclaim in power the good news of Christ, who are being transformed as living sacrifices and conformed to His image, bearing the fruit of love, joy, peace, long-suffering, gentleness, faith, meekness and temperance, holiness, righteousness, truth, grace, humility and Godliness.

This is to live the “abundant life” (John 10:10) in the “fulness of God” (Ephesians 3:19) ~ “Christ in you, the hope of glory” (Colossians 1:27)  here in this life, as He continues to prepare us for eternity with Him. True Christianity is separate from any other religion ~ and the reality of a holy life in union with our heavenly Father and our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, by the power of His Holy Spirit.

He reveals Himself to and in us, not as Someone, but as Jehovah, the Lord our God. He sires children of His own who are HIs image-bearers. Though not perfect, we are HIs off-spring through His Son, as He continues to lead us through an imperfect world, shining through us His holiness and humility.

Inexhaustible Goodness
God, Who Is Here
Weakness and Meekness

Endear and Endure
Three Powerful Words in the Christian Vocabulary
The Right Man For the Job
A Holy, High and Heavenly Calling
Covenant Living and Giving
Seeing Is Believing
How Exciting is Your God?

Good Works
Peace and Contentment

Bound by Grace ~ Free to Love
God’s Utmost For My Highest
Focus, Love, and Rejoice
Living Sacrifices
Abiding in Light and Truth
Treasury of Light and Truth
What is Jesus Doing in Your Life?
Riveted and Radical
Surviving and Thriving in Enemy Territory
Surviving and Thriving (Part 2)
Arrows in the Hands of a Mighty King
Conclusion to a Mere Christianity

Many Religions
There are many religions ~ religions for the body, religions for the mind, religions for the spirit and soul ~ of man. Nations are formed by their religions. Children are born and grow up in their religions. We live by what we know and are continually taught. Everyone has a religion, even if they cannot express it verbally. The mind of every person is a tablet, written on from their birth into this world.

In my autobiography, I express my birth as if being given a coloring book and a set of crayons. At every age and stage, I was given a new coloring book and a new set of crayons. My mind, heart and spirit took in everything I saw, heard and experienced, so as to live accordingly.  What I read and was taught became my religion. I was given a Bible, learned what was written there sporadically, from sermons in church, Sunday School, and vacation Bible school.

The principles were taught in our home, but not verbatim. The golden rule was prevalent, with a general understanding of right from wrong, but not Biblically profound. Neither my parents nor I understood anything beyond what you can see and touch, although I had a sense of something more. Anything spiritual was beyond comprehension, and so, not taught.

Difficult times were accepted as normal, with only dim hopes of improvement in this life. “When We All Get to Heaven” was the favorite hymn sung in church, with the accompanying hellfire and brimstone sermon. 

How I got from there to writing this treatise on a Christianity that is far and beyond anything I learned in my childhood, is based on a powerful act of God’s grace that overtook, overcame, and overrides everything I had been taught.

This Christianity of which I speak is not man’s religion but from heaven, from God, revealing Himself as Creator and Redeemer of the human race. He reveals His plans, His work, His presence, His power, His sovereignty in the writings of the Holy Bible. These are all beyond the normal scope of human wisdom and living.

If we read casually, we will reap a crumb or two of the religion we are looking for. If we study hard and often, diligently seeking something to believe and live by, we may see some difference in our lives. We may even sense a religion to share with others. We may worship with others of the same faith, but, in essence, it is still only man’s religion. It is nominal, or what we think of as normal Christianity.

It is what the world sees, and it colors God and the church with only a slightly different tone than the world’s colors. 

Mere living is below the standards of God’s kingdom. It is settling for the world’s goods.  It is negating the faith given from and in a living God to settle for man’s ideas of life. In the days ahead, let us leave these thoughts of man’s mere faith and look heavenward to the Lord, our God and the only true religion of which He is the focus.

Our Lord Jesus is the center, and the Holy Spirit, among us and within each of us is directing all things according to the will of the Father. By His grace, we will complete all that He has planned for these articles. Please pray for us as we pray for you the reader.

Father in heaven, our Lord and God, we thank you for all that you are, more than we can ask or think, for our Lord, Jesus, and for your Holy Spirit. We praise you for your Word, the truth of your Word, the authority of your Word, for your Living Word, Jesus Christ, commanded in us by the power of your Holy Spirit. Speak to the hearts of your children as you dwell within us. Make us aware, through your Word, written and Living within us, of something more than we have been told about you. Give us a deeper understanding of who you are, so that we know whose we are, so that we may continue to proclaim the legacy of your kingdom, to your glory and our joy. In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen.

Image: Google

First Things for the First of a New Year

If ever we begin a new year without focus and direction, we will surely fail to know our purpose, to go through and end the year with any success. As a believer, a follower of Christ, we must start with wisdom and knowledge of Him and His teachings.

He left us with specific directions and expectations. As our Shepherd, He continues to lead us by the written Word of God and His Spirit. He teaches three specific things, first things that we need to know and remember at all times, especially as we begin a new year.

These “first things” are shared in our free ebook, First Things That Last Forever, as an introduction to the series Little Books About the Magnitude of God.

These books were originally written and published to preserve a legacy for our family of what the Lord has taught me for seventy-eight years. They are available here for anyone who desires to know how God’s presence and power work in the best and the worst times of this life. Jesus finished His work, left us His example and teachings, and has sent His Holy Spirit to reveal and fulfill the promises made through Him.

We invite you to begin this year of 2018 with these teachings of our Lord Jesus Christ and to share them with others.

The Lord bless you, keep you and lead you in the paths of righteousness this New Year.

Fran and Jerry

Gracious Father, as we offer this book to your people, we ask that you lead by your Spirit those who will accept this free offer, even as you offer eternal life through your Son, our Savior Jesus Christ. I pray we all will continue to learn to focus on you as our heavenly Father, and what it means to hallow your name; to learn what it means to seek first your kingdom and your righteousness, and to love you with all our heart, mind and strength and our neighbor as ourselves. Bless us as your people in this new year for your own glory and our joy. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.