Humility and Contentment

How do we relate humility to contentment? Think of humility as the Alpha and contentment as the Omega of the Christian life. Humility leads to contentment. There can be no divine contentment without humility. The Spirit of Christ, supernaturally working in the heart and life of God’s children, produces them both.

Pride and discontent are the root and fruit of the natural life.

The new birth brings us with a new heart to a new start ~ the Alpha ~ where He teaches us what He intended in His work of creation. The humility of Christ that enabled Him to give Himself as a sacrifice for us is the same humility that His Spirit works in us; so that through us He can demonstrate the humility of Christ in the world.

Andrew Murray in his book, Humility ~ The Beauty of Holiness,* stresses the need for us to understand the power of Christ’s life and work for and in us.

“Nothing can avail but that the new nature, in its divine humility, will be revealed in power to take the place of the old. It will become as truly our very nature as the old ever was.’’ Andrew Murray

Humility at work in us depends on three things:

  1. The teaching (revelation from the written word and the Holy Spirit) and Christ’s example.
  2. Our convictions, our desires, our prayers, waiting on God in faith for His promise.
  3. The reality of the Spirit of Christ living in us and producing His own nature and disposition.

Humility and contentment are divine traits of God’s kingdom, and gifts of God’s grace to His children. Even as our natural and spiritual births are beyond our doing, humility and contentment are His work alone, and all to His glory.

“Humility is simply acknowledging the truth of our position as man and yielding to God His place. It is the sense of entire nothingness, which comes when we see how truly God is all, and in which we make way for God to be all. Such humility (the humility of Christ) is not a thing that will come on its own. It must be made as the object of special desire, prayer, faith, and practice.” Humility

What Murray says of humility can be said of contentment, as we continue to grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ (2 Peter 3:18).

When all is yielded and we live in faith, for Him to be all and to provide all that we need, contentment will be the result.

Humility and Contentment Work Together

“Humility is like the lead in the net, which keeps the soul down when it is rising through passion; and contentment is like the cork which keeps the heart up when it is sinking through discouragement. Contentment is the great support; it is like the beam which bears whatever weight is laid upon it. It is like a rock that breaks the waves.” The Art of Divine Contentment   Thomas Watson

Do we experience divine contentment in Christ? If not, let us look to Him, with conviction of the need for humility, the desire in prayer and supplication, in faith through His Word and Spirit, waiting for this “mystery of grace, which teaches us that as we lose ourselves in the overwhelming greatness of redeeming love, humility becomes to us the consummation of everlasting blessedness and adoration.Humility

Dear Father, how do we thank you for so great a love that displaces our sin and old life with the graces of the Spirit of Christ in us. Let us be so overwhelmed so as to bow in thankfulness and humility for all you have done for us in creation and our salvation. Make us to know the power of your Spirit to humble us; let us wait patiently with a new heart’s desire for all that you have prepared for us. Let us live content and praising you for all things working to your glory, our good and joy. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.

*A Broad Review of Andrew Murray’s Humility

21 thoughts on “Humility and Contentment

    1. This was all taken from Andrew Murray’s Humility that we did in 2014 and from A Broad Review. I had been waiting for the Lord’s leading to put these two together.
      Blessings as you continue your study and a new week. ~ Fran

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  1. Love your Watson quote!
    “Humility is like the lead in the net, which keeps the soul down when it is rising through passion; and contentment is like the cork which keeps the heart up when it is sinking through discouragement. Contentment is the great support; it is like the beam which bears whatever weight is laid upon it. It is like a rock that breaks the waves.” The Art of Divine Contentment Thomas Watson

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