Asking in the Spirit

As I was thinking of a title for this post, Paul’s words in his letter to the Ephesians came to mind. In relation to spiritual warfare, he said at the end of his description of “the armor of God” ~ “praying at all times in the Spirit, with all prayer and supplication. To that end, keep alert with all perseverance, making supplication for all the saints.” Ephesians 6:18screen-shot-2016-12-16-at-10-16-56-am-1

As I am blessed to be a part of the WordPress Christian community, getting to know some of you and how God is working in your hearts, I am learning how to be vulnerable, putting aside fear of rejection. In this post I am looking for joint-heirs of God’s kingdom, who are “about the Father’s business.”

Even as I pray in the Spirit, I am asking in the Spirit for your help as I continue in my ministry of publishing our Little Books About the Magnitude of God.

There are three reasons I am asking for your support and three things that you can do to help.

  1. Jerry and I do not receive any of the profits. They are designated for missions and charity (Missions To The World, Heart Cry Missionary Society, Samaritans Purse, and others as God leads.)
  2. The expenses for the first five books published in August were out of pocket, and we don’t expect to recover this.
  3. After twenty-five years of writing and six years blogging on the truth of God’s grace, we entered a dimension of this world that we never expected to indulge. WordPress is an Internet experience that is mild in comparison to publishing books. For almost a year, we researched, read books about the process of publishing, watched videos and webinars, and sought to follow those who are making the six and seven figure incomes. After book cover designs, editing and formatting, our hopes were not to get rich from selling our books. We are already “rich” in Christ, and only wanted to give away our books at first. Then we were led to seeking a profit for His glory ~ for missions, so as to extend the message of the kingdom to the world.

There is an even greater desire to publish since we began almost a year ago, which has to do with why others are making the big money in publishing. The best sellers are what the world is looking for ~ thrillers, violence, mystery, fantasy, the occult, erotica, everything immoral and in opposition to the kingdom of God. The air waves are filled with and supplying the spirit of this world, and we hear, and see the results every day.screen-shot-2016-12-16-at-9-47-22-am-1

With a click, the world is spending money to advance its own kingdom. My hope is to channel some of those clicks and money to the eternal kingdom of our Lord Jesus Christ. The greatest competition seems to be our niche ~ Christian non-fiction.

Three ways you can help (simpler than the reasons).

  1. Pray in the Spirit with supplication for all saints, those who write and those who read, that we may discern the truth in what we write and what others read. And as Paul asked his readers, “and also for me, that words may be given to me in opening my mouth boldly to proclaim the mystery of the gospel, as I ought to speak.” Ephesians 6:19
  2. Read our books. (eBooks or print) They are short reads and inexpensive compared to others. (Someone has said that they are dirt cheap) We do not ask that you buy unless the Lord leads and you want the profit to go to missions or charity. We do not ask for donations.
  3. Rate and write a short review on your blog and Amazon. For all who are willing to rate these, we offer a free copy of any of our books. We need these for encouragement to others.

You can view all our books on Amazon. We will be publishing our sixth book next week ~ A Broad Review of Andrew Murray’s HUMILITY.

As a joint-heir in Christ, of the family of God,  if you feel led to be a part of this ministry, Father and Family Books ~ Proclaiming the Legacy of God’s Kingdom,  please comment and let me know how you can support us, or how to send you a copy.

Sometime in the near future I would like to spotlight other authors, as we are discovering others who are publishing for the kingdom. We ought to do this for each other and the kingdom.

Dear Father, we thank you for those we have met online as we have been proclaiming your grace and your glory.  We pray for these as they write what you put on their hearts, recognizing with joy how you are working in each one.  This encourages me to believe that you are doing a great work in the next generation to publish the good tidings that are found in your written word and your Living Word, your Son and our Savior, Jesus Christ.  Lead those whom you want to read the truths that you have given me over the years, for your glory and our joy.  In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.