The Power of One Man

There are some mornings I cannot get out of bed. My first prayers have been offered up, meditations to begin the day have strengthened my heart, and yet God, our Father holds me and will not let me go.

Monday was such a morning.

Jerry is usually up first, checking the news and weather. He came to tell me of the one-man massacre the night before. (I only know what he tells me. I do not go to the media for more details. I learned years ago that I cannot immerse myself in the news of this world). With such news, my heart melts and I draw close to the throne of grace to know what my Father and my Lord want to say.

He is the God of all comfort and He knows how much we need Him. In times like these, He knows I need this extra time with Him before we begin our day together and to know how to answer others.

Many things, thoughts of this man and all the people he destroyed and injured, news and details of the event, rummaged through my mind. My heart cried out to the living God, who created life in His image, breathed into us His breath of life with the plan through His Spirit to sustain that life in His creatures.

At other times when the world has been in chaos He has drawn me close and given me the hope that He desires to share with His people.

Is Anyone Safe
People wonder if there is safety anywhere. The imaginations run to and fro as we continue to experience the evil heart of man.

We wonder how one man has the power over so many others. Our Lord reminds us that the enemy, the god of this world, is able to deceive, capable of giving his power to man.

He is the same enemy that deceived the one man God created for His own. By one man (Adam) sin came into the world and death by sin (Romans 5:12, 15).

In Watchman Nee’s book The Latent Power of the Soul, he speaks of the power God gave Adam when He put him in charge of His creation. He reminds us that God did not take away these powers, but we see how Satan continues to harness this power through man for His evil deeds.

Safety in the Power of One Man

For as by the one man’s disobedience the many were made sinners, so by the one man’s obedience the many will be made righteous.” Romans 5:19

We are amazed when one man has the power of death over others. Let us be in awe of the power of the one man Jesus Christ, who has the power to give life for eternity to those who come to God through Him.

Our only safety in this world and the next is in Jesus Christ, God’s Son, who was sent from the Father to save His people. Our only hope for now and the future is the steadfast hope that He alone gives.

“And do not fear those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. Rather fear him who can destroy both soul and body in hell.” Matthew 10:28

He came to destroy the one who had the power of death (Hebrews 2:14) and the works of the devil (1 John 3:8).

Where will all this end? ~ at Armageddon (Revelation 16:16).
Then we shall see the power of the resurrected Christ, the Son of God, the one man with power to rule over all things and all people and put away evil forever.

In the meantime let us all draw near to the throne of grace, keep our lights burning bright with the oil of hope and gladness, continually praising our Lord for His power to save His people from the evil one, bringing hope to others who do not yet know Him. It is during these times that people may be open to the truth of the gospel of grace and hope.Gracious Father, our hearts cry out to you for mercy for this nation and the world. We need to see the power of our Lord Jesus Christ in the lives of your people who as your children without blemish in the midst of a crooked and twisted generation hold fast to the word of Life. Shine the light of Christ through us that draws others to Him. Fill us with the power of your Spirit of grace, love, joy and peace. In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen.

Image: Google

11 thoughts on “The Power of One Man

  1. Like you, I stay away from the news. My hope can get buried under the weight of all the terrible things they report. Also, like you, I look to my husband to filter it all out and keep me updated in the small ways I can handle. It is in times like these when we do need to lean into God more, resting in His embrace to fortify us with enough hope to get through. It is in looking to The One who saved mankind that we can move forward, despite that one man’s horrific actions. May the souls of his victims rest in peace.


  2. Hi Frances, I know you’re busy but I’ve been missing your posts. The bad news can wear you down but when that happens we do have God’s Word and prayer time to bring things back into balance or even better, put God back on top. I was wondering how Jerry’s leg is doing, if you have a spare moment please let us know. Blessings!

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    1. Bruce, we are still learning to bring our thoughts captive to Christ. Thank you for your comments and your interest in our situation. We are still at the wound healing center every week. In the meantime, the stent seems to be holding up in the aneurysm above the knee, but ultrasound and CTScan indicate a possibility of a repeat of the angioplasty that was done in the lower leg in April. We will know in a couple of weeks when we see the vascular surgeon. We had hoped that the tiny hole in his foot would soon be closed, but we did not know how difficult it is to heal a diabetic ulcer. Times like these, even as ten years ago when we waited for healing from his amputation, are practice times for “endurance and patience with joy.”
      We are still learning to praise the Lord and to be content in all circumstances. Blessings to you and your family.

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